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JMJ Conflict Resolution Guidelines

JMJ Tampa Bay Catholic Homeschool Support Group follows Matthew 18: 15-17 for our Conflict Resolution.
Following the virtue of charity, conflicts need to be addressed privately by the parties involved, and should be kept off the group forums. Most conflicts will be easily resolved with respectful communication and common sense. In the case that the conflict is serious, please bring it to the Service Council. If a resolution cannot be achieved by these means alone, we will refer the matter to our Spiritual Advisor.
Guidelines for Parents:
  • It is difficult for us to watch our children constantly during JMJ Park Days or other JMJ events. As a community, we can help each other keep our children safe during JMJ activities. Any parent that sees a child compromising safety in any way is expected to intervene immediately, even if it is not your child.
  • There might be times when our own children's behavior will need some guidance. If a parent approaches you regarding a situation with your child, please be receptive, and take whatever action you deem appropriate with your child.
  • Above all, we are a community centered in the Love of Christ, and should always strive to remember this in our interactions with each other. By being respectful and charitable towards one another, we will teach our children to do the same.