JMJ Website Posting Guidelines
To respect the privacy of our members, especially in regard to personal or prayer requests, we ask the JMJ Website Forums be considered private and personal information shared be treated as such.
JMJ Forums
1. The purpose of the JMJ Forums are to provide JMJ members with an efficient way to communicate primarily regarding upcoming JMJ activities, prayers requests, and to offer support for our members on our journey as Catholic Homeschoolers. The Forums are not moderated and depend on our members to work in the Christian spirit of our Catholic Faith.
The following should not be posted:
Criticism of the Church’s representatives (Pope, Bishops, Priests), or of any particular Parish.
Messages that go against the teachings of the Catholic Church (please watch out for links included in messages).
Argumentative or inflammatory messages.
2. Conflict Resolution - If a member finds a message offensive, kindly approach the sender with the concern, and give them the opportunity to retract the message. This is best done in person or by private e-mail. If the issue can’t be resolved, then either party should contact the Service Council, who will then assess the situation.
3. Advertising of Businesses - should happen only in the the Business Directory of the Website. A week will be designated in the fall and the spring when members are welcome to use "Mom's Chat Room" Forum to remind other members about their businesses.
4. The Donation/Sale of Personal Items - should happen in the Classified Directory. Please remove items after they are sold/placed. Items listed longer than 3 months may be removed.
5. Comments or suggestions should be sent to the Service Council at [email protected].
6. These forums are only to be used by JMJ member parents. Please do not allow your children or any non-JMJ members to read or post to the forums. Please do not share any information from the forums with non-JMJ members.
7. In an extreme circumstance a member may be moderated or banned from posting messages to the group.
JMJ Calendar
The JMJ calendar should only be used to let membership know and sign up for JMJ Tampa Bay events or meetings. Parish events or personal events should not be posted on the JMJ Calendar. However, if your parish is offering a retreat, fair, special speaker, or other event, please add this to the Faith Enrichment forum instead.
This website and the information in it are the property of the JMJ and for the sole use of JMJ members.
This website and the information in it may not be used for solicitations, advertising, mass mailings, or any other purposes unrelated to the mission, objects and policies of JMJ or by any organization other than JMJ. Nor may the website and its information be republished, sold, resold, copied, duplicated, or downloaded in whole or in part, for commercial or any other purposes. The use of this information to create independent data files or other statistical data is strictly prohibited.
JMJ does not warrant, guarantee, or otherwise deem the accuracy, timeliness, completeness, or suitability of the information contained in the website nor in any way endorses the individuals described in the directory.
In no event shall JMJ be held liable for your decisions or actions taken with regard to information contained on the website. If you do not agree with any provision in this agreement, you are not authorized to use this website or of the information contained in it.
By your use of this website, you acknowledge and agree that you have read and understand the disclosures and disclaimers set forth above and that your agreement to follow and be bound by them is voluntary and is not the result of fraud, duress or undue influence exercised upon you by any person or entity.